The SlideIO library allows extraction information from medical images. It includes raster data as well as metadata. The library allows reading whole slides as well as any region of a slide. Large slides can be effectively scaled to a smaller size. The library uses internal zoom pyramids of images to make the scaling process as fast as possible. SlideIO supports 2D slides as well as 3D data sets and time series. SlideIO exposes 2 c++ interfaces: opencv based interface and generic c++ interface. The library works with multiple image formats. Each format is implemented with a 'driver'. A driver can be accessed by id - unique human readable string assigned to the driver instance. Cuttently the follwing drivers are provided:
- SVS : Aperio SVS image format;
- AFI : Aperio AFI image format;
- SCN : Leica SCN image format;
- CZI : Zeiss CZI image format;
- ZVI : Zeiss ZVI image format;
- NDPI : Hamamatsu NDPI image format;
- DCM : DICOM image format;
- GDAL : Generic image formats like jpeg, tiff, etc.
Generic c++ Interface
SlideIO generic c++ interface provides 2 global functions slideio::openSlide(), slideio::getDriverIDs() and 2 classes: slideio::Slide and slideio::Scene. Function slideio::openSlide() opens a slide and returns object of class slideio::Slide. The class slideio::Slide exposes methods for accessing of the slide properties including metadata and images. A single instance of slideio::Slide can contain multiple raster images that are represented by slideio::Scene class. Class slideio::Scene exposes methods for working with a single raster image of a slide. The class provides method for accessing to raster data and metadata.
const int numScenes = slide->getNumScenes();
if(numScenes>0) {
std::shared_ptr<slideio::Scene> scene = slide->getScene(0);
const std::tuple<int, int, int, int> sceneRect = scene->getRect();
const int sceneWidth = std::get<2>(sceneRect);
const int sceneHeight = std::get<3>(sceneRect);
const int blockWidth = sceneWidth / 2;
const int blockHeight = sceneHeight / 2;
const int blockOriginX = sceneWidth / 4;
const int blockOriginY = sceneHeight / 4;
std::tuple<int, int, int, int> blockRect(blockOriginX, blockOriginY, blockWidth, blockHeight);
const std::tuple<int, int> blockSize(blockWidth, blockHeight);
const int numChannels = scene->getNumChannels();
const int memSize = scene->getBlockSize(blockSize, 0, numChannels, 1, 1);
std::vector<uint8_t> rasterData(memSize);
scene->readBlock(blockRect, rasterData.data(), rasterData.size());
SLIDEIO_EXPORTS std::shared_ptr< Slide > openSlide(const std::string &path, const std::string &driver="")
The function returns a smart pointer to an object of Slide class.
Definition: slideio.cpp:10
OpenCV Interface
SlideIO OpenCV interface exposes methods for extraction information from medical slides and intensively uses classes of the OpenCV library. The interface exposes the following classes:
- slideio::ImageDriverManager - implements access to image format specific drivers;
- slideio::CVSlide - slide class that provides access to the slide data;
- slideio::CVScene - scene class that provides access to images contained in the slides.
std::shared_ptr<slideio::CVSlide> slide = slideio::ImageDriverManager::openSlide(path, "GDAL");
const int numScenes = slide->getNumScenes();
std::shared_ptr<slideio::CVScene> scene = slide->getScene(0);
const cv::Rect sceneRect = scene->getRect();
const int sceneWidth = sceneRect.width;
const int sceneHeight = sceneRect.height;
const int blockWidth = sceneWidth / 2;
const int blockHeight = sceneHeight / 2;
const int blockOriginX = sceneWidth / 4;
const int blockOriginY = sceneHeight / 4;
cv::Rect blockRect(blockOriginX, blockOriginY, blockWidth, blockHeight);
const std::tuple<int, int> blockSize(blockWidth, blockHeight);
const int numChannels = scene->getNumChannels();
cv::Mat raster;
scene->readBlock(blockRect, raster);